One year ago I dreamt about going to southeast Asia to backpack around exploring and discovering. I added on a stop in Brazil to see the FIFA World Cup and quickly added on some of South America as well. Then I 86'd Asia and was left with an epic backpacking journey through South America! Not long after I decided I was going to make that dream into reality, and I seriously had no idea what I was truly getting myself into. Being my first long term solo trip, I had no idea where to begin. However slowly, my trip started to come together. Many hours were spent shopping for the right backpack, figuring out vaccinations, putting together visa applications, and simply figuring out where and what I wanted to do while abroad.
That being said, now, I'm seriously living the dream. No more of this "You're living the dream! Now back to your fourteen hour work day haha". This is a quite an epic chapter in my life, I don't have a girlfriend, a job, a mortgage, or a single responsibility that would drag me down and keep me in one place. In the week and a half I've been away, over a dozen people have reaffirmed that if there is ever a time in life to travel, it is while you are young. Don't get me wrong, you can travel anytime in life if you want to, it's just much more difficult to figure it out with a 9-5 job or a whailing baby.
Well now that my tangent is longer than what I planned to write on I'll just keep going with it. Considering I'm about twelve days late I think answering the good ol' 5 W's would be a decent choice.
Who - Me! By myself :) I'm fully in control of where, what, and when I want to go places and do things instead of having to deal with another person (even though I'll be meeting Rosalyn Aug 1). There's no one familiar to gravitate towards thus leaving me to be as open and friendly as possible to make new friends as fast as possible!
What - Six months on the open road. Just my backpack and camera, hostels and couches, perfect beaches and glorious mountain ranges, world class restaurants and greasy street carts.
When - As of June 24th! Until sometime between Christmas and New Years. I don't plan on buying a return ticket anytime soon!
Where - New york City, Brazil, Argentina, The southernmost city in the world Ushuaia, Torres del Paine "W" circuit, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, and Colombia! Being quite broad but those are the countries and big attractions I plan to see.
Why - To dive into new cultures and everything that comes with it, good and bad. Foreign laungages, strange ingredients and different lifestyles. Filthy cities, child pickpockets and piss smelling streets. I want to see it all.. Spme things obviously more than others! To see God's creations, everything from epic mountain ranges to marble caves in patagonia, to the wildlife of the Galapagos & the Valdes Peninsula to the hustle & bustle of NYC.
Anyway.... No idea where I went with this post so I have no idea of how to end it and so...
I spent about nine hours on and around Copacabana beach today, eating all day, drinking heavily, cheering on Brazil & Germany at the Fan Fest, and celebrating both victories. Also got a bunch of selfies with two groups of Germans and a Brazilian with a Canada flag. Be jealous.
Take a wild guess at where I am? |
July 5th - Rua Washington Luiz 50, Apt 1001, Rio de Janerio
Drinking water and orange juice heavily, obviously! ;)