I would have never thought I'd learn how to sew while travelling. Who sews now a days? Well my mom does.. And sewed everything I needed for my entire 20 year old life..When a button fell off within my first week of travelling in Rio de Janerio I was left in quite a situation. Find a seamstress? Live with the missing button? Learn how to use a needle and thread? One button, two pant legs, the bum section of my swim shorts and 7 patches later, and I can easily say I'm quite horrible at sewing and miss my mother's stitches BUT, I can now sew nonetheless!
I would have never thought I'd bake an apple crumble while travelling. Who bakes when they travel..? Considering most backpackers barely cook for themselves when they travel, baking is an even rarer discipline. A lazy afternoon in Pucon when I suggested to a pair of travelling Irish lasses that they should bake an apple pie for me quickly got turned around on me with a "you're the cook!" and "we'll buy the ingredients" as well. A quick trip to the grocery store and about 40 minutes later in the oven and we had one tasty ass apple crumble to share.
I would have never thought I'd go camping while travelling. Which was quite foolish knowing I would during the Inca Trail but that doesn't really count anyway considering the gourmet meals and luxury of never having to set up or take down the tents. What I'm really referring to was my time in Easter Island, where almost all accommodations are ridiculously expensive, except camping. Camping, including tent rental and a priceless view of the coast and sunset managed to work out to about 11$ a night. Which is why when I finally settled into my tent while watching the sun set from it I couldn't really believe my luck.
Speaking on Easter Island, I would have never thought I'd go to Easter Island while travelling. It's one of those mythological places in the world that you hear about from time to time but never would have actually dreamt of touching down there. When the idea was presented to me in Ilha Grande and I started mulling it over, I knew I would end up going. Taking off on the flight leaving the Chilean coast and arriving in the middle of nowhere was absolutely surreal. As will the Galapagos islands, same story except this time my eye doctor planted the idea in my head via my sister.. Random. Take off in 2 days!
I would have never thought I'd meet one friend in 5 different countries while travelling. I first met Dimumu in Montevideo in Uruguay where we both stayed in the same hostel. A week later we met up for a Tango Show in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rumour has it a young little asian boy fell asleep halfway during the tango show.. but that's another story. Roughly a month later and I ended up missing the man by 2 hours in Pucon, we met up again (of all places) in Easter Island, Chile. Finishing a blog post in Sucre, Bolivia I set up on the rooftop taking photos of the incoming storm when I was rudely interrupted by Dimumu waving at me from the ground. He had read my post, commented on it saying he was in the city, and when I never replied chanced the journey across town to find me. Finally I thought I was going to miss him in Peru when I found his flight home was earlier than what he told me earlier. Speeding up my post-Inca Trail itinerary I arrived in Lima, Peru to have one last epic dinner where I was able to get Dimumu quite liberally drunk to celerate his final night. Accidentally leaving the map at the restaurant, without a clue of where his hostel was we ran through the streets of Miraflores with not a clue of where to go..With 3 hours till his flight. See you in London mate!
Currently in Mancora, Peru. Another place I never thought I'd visit. Shocker. Will be spending my time on the beach, in the pool, and attempting to teach myself how to surf.
Instagram - itsnathanchan
November 2, Loki del Mar Hostel, Mancora, Peru
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