Thursday, 7 August 2014

Iguaçu, Iguazu and Salto

Hola! I'm finally out of Brazil and into spanish speaking countries! That means my basic three highschool years worth of spanish can finally start coming into play. One of the goals of my trip is to become fluent in español while abroad, while a difficult task I think I'll have a conversational understanding at the very least.

After waiting for several hours in the hostel, Ros finally showed up and we immedietly dropped our bags and went out for Churrasco! Brazilian bbq is famous for Picanha which is essentially a rump cap off of a cow. Servers come around with all sorts of cuts and varieties of meat. The secret to churrascarias' however are to decline everything except Picanha and Chicken Hearts!

After the meat coma had subsided the next day, we went to check out the Brazilian side of Iguaçu falls. Its kind of cool. 

Brazilian Iguaçu Falls

Unlike Niagara, Iguaçu is composed of a few giant falls and many smaller ones. Not much else to say once you see the photo!

Then we went to the Argentinian side of Iguazu falls, got on a boat and got thoroughly drenched right under the falls!
Pre drench - Argentina

A quick twelve hour bus, eleven hour wait (sorry ros) and a twenty minute ferry later and we found ourselves in Salto, Uruguay! While a quiet town in its own glory, Termas de Dayman was the true reason behind coming here. These hot springs contain a few different relaxing pools that easily were worth the two days spent there. 

Just made it to Montevideo! But more on that later. 

Annnnd Iguaçu is the porteguese name while Iguazu is the spanish.. In case you got confused :)

IG/Twitter itsnathanchan
August 7th - Ukelele Hostel, Montevideo

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