Thursday, 28 August 2014

When Something Can Go Wrong, It Will. Duh

Hahahaha the irony of travelling is that the more you travel the more you want to keep doing it. Usually as you go you'll get better and better at it, more and more organized.  The longer that I've done it, the more I realize how truly bad I am at it. I remember being completely disorganized leaving New York, forgetting when my flight was, what airline I was on and not even having a copy of my itiniery at hand. Or waking up from my nap in Paraty, getting off the bus and realizing I have no idea where my hostel is or what direction it even is in. Good times were had for sure. Logistically speaking, if everything was smooth sailing all the time my stories would get quite repetitive quite quickly. Right?
Repetitive smooth sailing in Peninsula Valdes
That being said I've had a fairly smooth run so far, no robberies at gunpoint, no gunk fell on my shoulder in Buenos Aires, I haven't been pickpocketed in Rio and somehow my camera is still intact and not stolen! Thus when people are leaving and scrambling to finish packing and missing possessions and freaking out I ALWAYS can't help but think that I'm better than them at travelling. Which is a lie. Bad Channy

Tangent - Before I left I got a few playlists of music from a few close friends to help starve off the homesickness as well as to help kill time on buses and flights. Gracias amigos! This is for the backstory.. Moving on.

Today I packed all my gear hours before my flight and proceeded to chill out and do absolutely nothing. Fifteen minutes before leaving for the airport I realized I was missing my trusty little pocket knife. Scrambling through my bag, I unpacked everything, re-searched my room and locker, tore apart the living room only to be called back because the cab had showed up. Repacking in minutes I got into the cab flustered and stressed out. But crap happens, and it's only a knife after all, only 150$, not the end of the world. 

Stress Eating.

Arriving at the airport one of my 20 Peso notes turned out to be Uruguaian and not Argentinian.. And after a stressed moment, paid the taxi driver and went inside to recheck my bag. Nada. Putting my feelings aside, I decided to check in and get through security. The nice lady tells me there's a window seat in the emergency aisle with my name on it, boo yah! Sitting down in front of my gate after security I instantly start mowing down Ferrero Rochers to make myself feel better. Checking in with a friend from the hostel over facebook the staff actually ended up finding it! Now I'll be meeting Amedeo and Ryan in Santiago to get it, problem solved. Feeling better I decide to put some music on and decide on "Josiah's Jams" and randomly and as cliché as possible, Life on a Highway comes on. Cracking a smile at the fact that there was a 1 in 249 chance of that happening I pull my camera out looking for some inspiration. And it was found. And I'm happy now. Because stressing out and being flustered didn't help one bit. But letting things play out as they did was way better. All in all, it was good fun ;)
Inspiration. Albeit not the best photo on my phone..

Flights in 30 minutes! See ya in El Calafate

P.s looking back on my situation it wasn't bad at all but in the moment I was freaking out. Like a girl breaking out in acne the day of her prom. 

Ig & Twitter - itsnathanchan
August 27 - Ushuaia International Airport

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