Monday, 1 September 2014

Quiet Days

I've finally arrived in Bariloche! I was surprised with a direct bus from El Calafate, shaving off a grand 14 hours off my travel time! 28 hours of straight bussing leads to a stupid amount of thinking though. Especially while reading Lord of The Rings by Tokien. Thus..

Far and few between, somedays I'll wake up, blink my way through the fuzziness and realize that I want nothing more of my day than to do absolutely nothing. I usually get my free hostel breakfast and then crawl right back to bed. Somedays I'll make the trek towards a familar beach and proceed to read and nap my day away. Other days I'll make my way to the common room and attempt to learn a little bit of spanish, but usually succumb to the desire for another nap not long after. Most days I'll try and go out for at least a small stroll. Most days though I can barely make it to a cafe from dinner.

My only quiet day on Copacabana

Unfortunately I'm travelling, not on vacation. I don't spend my days lounging around a 5 star beach side hotel sipping Mai Tais, having servants cater to my every whim whilst eating surf n' turf. Although that would be quite nice considering how I feel right now. I spend the majority of my time exploring the streets and alleys, hiking in the chilly mountains, moving from hostel to hostel and always trying to get another epic photograph. While that´s not exactly something to complain about, It's still physically tiring work

Not pictured above - Stress

Why no, I'm not always rushing from one activity to the next, yet travelling still takes a toll on the body and mind. It's a little difficult getting off of a 28 hour bus ride, settling into a hostel and then NOT proceeding to fall right asleep! In fact last night I actually couldn´t sleep until 4am, and then being politely awaken by my oh so quite roommates. I'm not trying to complain about it, far from it actually. I know from cooking that life can definitely be more stressful and wearisome. In fact when my biggest problem is figuring out when to leave and where to travel to next, you know life is actually going pretty well.  

While I live life thinking that you can always just sleep once you're dead, I'm starting to realize how important quiet time really is. You can't be sprinting through Rio de Janerio, getting destroyed by Buenos Aires, or exploring the chilly wonders of Patagonia without taking a day off somewhere to go and rest. However today is not one of those days. I´m off to change hostels, buy my ongoing bus ticket and head into Nahuel Huapi National park for a bit of easy hiking. All this rest has actually started to make me a bit flabby believe it or not. Thus begins a bit of a lifestyle change. Time to start working out again, and eating way more vegetables instead of all the spaghetti and rotini. Six months travelling isn't so much of a race as it is a marathon, and even marathons have water stations and port a pottties along the way.

Ig & Twitter - itsnathanchan
September 1 - Onelli 158, Bariloche, Argentina

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