Wednesday, 3 September 2014

When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time?

That's not my quote but one that I heard for the first time from Spencer Palfreyman's mouth after finishing Tough Mudder in Whistler. As the five of us guys crossed that line fresh from Electroshock Therapy, high fives were passed around, protein bars were swallowed and we all struck a pose for a great before and after photo. Later that day beside a lake Spence uttered that line and something about that quote really struck a cord in me and it got me thinking. Two months later that is.

A flattering photo of Spence
Disclaimer - I don`t have any photos that pertain to the following.. so enjoy my random ones!

If I was going to answer this question honestly, I'd say I'm doing pretty alright. Within the last few months I've done quite a few new things, and individual destinations aside here are a few of them. Hitchhiking across Canada, learning how to ride a motorcycle, completing a marathon, completing Tough Mudder, and travelling solo to South America are all definitely up there. 

El Calafate Sunset with un perro y Lea
While I´ve already talked about all those, not everything I do is rad and awesome, in fact far from it. Some of my more awkward firsts include taking a nap at a tango show, attempting to buy a bus ticket in porteguese, sewing a button onto my shirt and walking over a couple fiercely exchanging saliva to get into my dorm room. Good times. 

While there are too many things on my grand bucketlist to do and try out, here are a few big ones that if all goes well, will be smashed out before I travel home.


I've been snowboarding for the last 6 or 7 years now. I've always laughed and despised skiers. For a variety of reasons. But talking to a local in Ushuaia and leaning that he both skis and rides got me thinking, "why not just try it?" I love snow. Love everything to do with it. Skiing is just another way to fall in love with snow all over again! Right..? Saturday seems to be the day that I'll attempt to teach myself to ski in Pucon, Chile!

Slow shutter in Grand Central Terminal
Scuba Diving

Too many awesome photos, videos and stories have gone by me now that inevitably will lead me into the ocean with air tanks strapped to my back. Considering that there is more ocean than land in the world, this one seems like a no brainer. I plan to try it out in Easter Island, and if all goes well, will probably get my PADI while in the Galapagos! Because that´d be pretty cool to say I got my license in the Galapagos.
Porteguese Museum, Sao Paulo

High Altitude Climbing

I'm a hiker, a trekker, and a climber. These have all been easily satisfied growing up in Beautiful British Colombia with our never ending supply of wilderness. There's nothing more challenging than starting at the base of a mountain, looking up at it, shaking out all doubtful thoughts and starting the acsent. While I've done my fair share of mountain conquering, I've never actually done anything over the fabled 6000m line. Huayna Potosi in Bolivia has now been marked for my first attempt. I'm sure it's just as crazy as it sounds, battling altitude sickness while struggling up a steep mountain in crampons with 30lbs strapped to your back. But it's all about that epic photo no?

Tribeca, New York at Night
Those are my goals, those are my plans to fufill my goals. Now, really just take a minute and think about it, when was the last time you did something for the first time?

Instagram & Twitter - itsnathanchan
September 3rd, Chili Kiwi Hostel, Pucon, Chile

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