Friday, 19 September 2014

The City of Street Art and Graffiti

Graffiti. Street art. Murals. I love it all! One of my favourite things about travelling through South America is finding beautiful street art in the most obscure places. I've seen some thought provoking art in Sao Paulo's Beco de Batman/Batman Alley, some horrible tags in dreary Rio Gallegos, and even vivid murals and tags throughout Patagonia, especially in Bariloche.

One city kept getting raved and raved about though especially as I came closer and closer to it. Everybody whose passed through has fallen in love with it, and that gets me quite excited. Seeing the photos wouldn't do it justice, I had to go. Being two hours west of Santiago, it was not exactly far out of my way, even though I had been planning all along to go..


This city is ridiculous. Built on a great concave hill, the base starts in the huge port district and works its way up through the banking district, the restaurant and bar district and then all the way up into the favelas. On every single street you'll see graffiti and street art. From simple tags to elaborately detailed murals. I spent half my time in the city just taking snaps! This city is easily one of my favourite places on this trip so far not only for the snaps, but also for the speed and vibe of the city. Why keep trying to describe it when a picture is worth a thousand words after all? While my photos may or may not be worth a thousand words by themselves, here are five. They definitely count for at least a thousand.

Oscar the Chilean born in Sweden brought me here
Along Rua Alemania

Close to Pablo Neruda's house

Somewhere in Valpo

Apparently taken in a very dangerous neighborhood
Currently in Santiago however leaving for San Pedro de Atacama in about an hour. Seriously need to sleep. So badly. Yay for 24 hours of bussing..

Instagram & Twitter - itsnathanchan
September 19 - Landay Hostel, Santiago, Chile

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